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Innovative Technology Solutions

Red Hat Transformational Learning: Introduction to Pragmatic Site Reliability Engineering - TL112

3652 Ratings

4658 Learners


A pragmatic introduction to the Site Reliability Engineering implementation of DevOps

Red Hat Transformational Learning: Introduction to Pragmatic Site Reliability Engineering (TL112) teaches the vocabulary, concepts and cultural considerations required to prepare to adopt an implementation of DevOps referred to as Site Reliability Engineering (SRE). In this course, the history, definitions, and Red Hat specific take on this practice will be explored as the student prepares to continue the learning path of joining or implementing an SRE team. 

Redhat training

Key Features

Course content summary

    • Introduction to Site Reliability Engineering
    • Determining Operational Readiness
    • Describing Toil and Implementing Automation
    • Explaining and Calculating Error Budgets
    • Explaining Incident Management
    • Implementing Site Reliability Engineering

Audience for this course

    • DevOps Practitioners
    • System Administrators
    • Software Developers

Prerequisites for this course

    • There are no prerequisites for this course.

Technology considerations

    • Coursebook Only, no hands-on labs

Training Options

Self-Paced eLearning

On Demand
  • Lifetime access to recorded self-paced eLearning course created by industry experts
  • 3 simulation mock test papers for Practice
  • 24x7 learner assistance and support

Corporate Training

  • Live Instructor Led / Campus delivery model
  • Flexible pricing options according to your requirements
  • Pre & Post evaluation test for comparison
  • 24x7 support & assistance


  • Introduction to Site Reliability Engineering
    • Compare and contrast traditional systems administration with Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) and DevOps.
  • Determining Operational Readiness
    • Determine if your organization is ready to adopt SRE principles
  • Describing Toil and Implementing Automation
    • Define and describe toil and how to leverage automation.
  • Explaining and Calculating Error Budgets
    • Explain the importance of setting error budgets
  • Explaining Incident Management
    • Describe incident management and the relationship to Site Reliability Engineering


Impact on the organization

Organizations moving toward DevOps transformation may consider implementing practices defined in Site Reliability Engineering. This course provides the fundamental concepts and terminology required for teams to speak a common language and gain a shared understanding of how to implement SRE within their teams. 

Impact on the individual

After successfully completing this course, a student will gain an understanding of Site Reliability Engineering and how it relates to their understanding of the role and fit within an organization. The student will be prepared to continue the Transformational Learning path.

Why Innovative Technology Solutions

Our Virtual Instructor Led Training model brings classroom learning experience online. With our world-class LMS instructor-led training, self-paced E-learning and personalized mentoring you will get an immersive first-class learning experience.

Self-Paced E-learning

A self-paced e-learning with recorded video sessions that you can access anytime without going beyond your comfort zone.

Live Virtual Classroom

An interactive classroom style virtual instructor led training to engage and learn more alongside your peers with a live trainer.

Learner's Community

A Social forum where you can ask your questions, one of our expert will reply you within 24 hours on that community.

Online Access of Labs

Online access of practise labs that you can access anytime, anywhere your machine.

Industry Based Projects

Real-time Industry based projects will be shared by the trainers throughout the program

24/7 Assistance

Get engaged with integrated support assistance on your desktop and mobile learning